martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

Sharing a nice piece of advice

Once again when surfing the net, specifically searching for a place to stay in Oslo for January, I found a profile of a Colombian Scandinavian whose philosophy of life is based on the speech that Mary Theresa Schmich gave one day in 1997 and that was lately made a song that I attach here so my blog becomes a bit more lively.

On a next entry, I'll publish a poem that guides (at least I try) my life thought it is hard to follow.

1 comentario:

JuanDavidVelez dijo...

Yo habia pillado ese discurso que pusiste pero no sabia quien lo habia hecho, yo juraba que habia sido un hombre, y vea, fue una mujer.
En principio ese discurso me parecio una cosa cursi. Pero realmente esas palabras se me quedaron en la cabeza.